Wow! Today was a busy day! The kids and I left the house at 8:20 this morning, and headed to the church, for one last rehearsal with Kathy B. She and I wanted to have one more session together under our belt before playing our "Behold the Lamb" piece for the procession of the Paschal candle tomorrow morning at church. It's such a beautiful piece, I hope I play it justice! It has potential for a few "squawkers" if you know what I mean, but when we've played it well, it is so beautiful! It's one of those intense pieces that makes you want to cry while playing with it, because it is such an emotional piece of music. It's a little sad that the congregation won't know the words to this piece while we're playing it.. "Behold the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world! For sinners crucified, O Holy sacrifice; behold the Lamb of God. Crown Him, Crown Him,Worthy is the Lamb! Praises! Praises! Heavn' and earth resound!" So beautiful, so much so, I know there is no way I would ever be able to sing these words, as I would be all choked up and couldn't hardly speak through the tears! Beautiful!
Kathy and I finished up our practice around 10am, just in time for my kids to join the Little Lambs "play group" of infants through 4 years old. They heard the story of Easter, and enjoyed Easter "grave" cookies and made crosses out of pretzels and peanut butter, then enjoyed time on the playground together. I wasn't going to stick around, but decided in the end to stay and support the group, and allow my children to hear the story of Easter yet one more time! I'm so glad we stayed!
On our way home, we stopped for chinese food, then finished up working in the yard. As I was loading yet more mulch, my neighbor came over with my garden fork and asked if I'd been looking for it yesterday. (I spent most of the day yesterday pulling weeds from the side flower beds and mailbox bed, and putting down mulch.) As a matter of fact, I told him, I'd looked in every corner of my garage and yard and finally gave up, figuring John had put it somewhere. Somewhere indeed! Karl said John let him borrow it last week when he was unloading his new load of mulch! Around 3pm I finished up in the yard, however I still have some mulch in the back of the truck, that I seriously have to do something with in the next day or two. It's just that it was so hot by the time I was done this afternoon, and I was very tired! BooHoo! I came inside and gave Annie a bath, and while doing that, my friend and neighbor Jenny came knocking on the garage door! See, a true friend enters through the garage door, and is always welcome in my home! (To my knowledge, she only chuckles at the mess.) Oddly enough, I thought I had cleaned my house yesterday, until I had my friend inside my house, and suddenly I realized yet again, it was a mess! Sorry Jenny! She said she'd knocked on the front door, but nobody heard, and she knew I'd hear at the garage door! I happened to be right there by the door. She came in, and we chatted while I continued bathing the dog. When I was done, we ended ended up going outside and sitting on the driveway. After a while, her husband Brad came down and joined us, and eventually we put up the dining canopy we use for camping, to keep the sun off of us while we socialized. John came home, and realized there was no way his work truck was going to fit on the driveway with the canopy there, so he put the truck on the side. At some point, between beer refills, soda refills, etc, Jenny brought down a Mike's Lemonade for both of us, and that was about the end of any decision for dinner... so I said, Pizza?? John and I, and the kids, enjoyed "dinner" with Jenny, Brad and Caleb on the driveway, under the canopy, eating delivery pizza, and yet it was the most enjoyable meal one could ask for. Friends and family, enjoying a meal together during this Easter season. The dogs were out on the driveway with us, the kids running around, having a good time, and us enjoying each others' company. Nothing fancy, just good times! The best times! (Jenny, why did neither of us take a picture??)
No pics due to Mike's:) ahahaha, no I think we were both resting and enjoying talking so there was no room for a photo shoot. Had a great time.
Hi Suzanne,
I just loved reading this, especially since I was part of some of it. Yes, your musical offering was moving and thank you for sharing the lyrics with me. Don't you just love Kathy's voice? Wow!
What a wonderful afternoon you had! Right up my alley----the work is not going anywhere but the time with friends is to be cherished! Pizza, friends, Mike in the driveway---it's a beautiful thing!!!!
Love and hugs,
This brought tears to my eyes...I miss you guys so much! I wish we could hang out like that with our little ones running around and playing together. I'm glad you had a nice weekend!
Please post another story! I miss reading your life details!
Hugs and love,
We miss you too, Tarren! When you come down we'll have to sit around and chat in the backyard by the pool! SOunds fancy, doesn't it?? But.. naah, it's just a Quick Set pool, the blue one with the blow up ring around it.
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