This is Daniel on our friends' Hughey and Leanne's horse. We went to see the pigs, but as always the kids had to ride the horses.
Here are the rules: 1) Go to your photo files…Select the 6th photo folder 2) Select the 6th photo in that folder 3) Post that photo along with the story behind it. 4) Then challenge 5 blog friends to do the same!
I'm happy to say I've finally settled down, and am here to stay.. in Green Cove Springs. I'm only 38 years old, and the home I live in now is my 23rd move! Yes, I was a military brat, and moving was what we did; whether it was moving from one continent to another, or as Dad was promoted, we moved across base to a "better" area on base. Amazingly, when Dad retired in 1983 I was 13 at the time, and that was to be our 'final' move to Lakeland, FL. We lived in that house for 14 years before moving up here to the Jacksonville area. I've been in this area since January 1, 1998... and hope to make it home forever! I love it here. I became a churched person, thanks to my Aunt Virginia and the Holy Spirit, and now I'm a regular church goer. I met my husband through church 8 years ago...on Superbowl Sunday, 2001, and got married the Saturday before Superbowl 2002. We had Hanna on Cinco de Mayo, 2003, and Daniel 9 days before Christmas, 2004 and the rest.. well, it's our life!
I don't get it.....'splain it to me again..............
WAIT!!! I think I figured it out!!!!
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